SEE News

Hahn: Commission will recommend opening of negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia

May 6, 2019

DUSSELDORF – European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn expressed his confidence that the Commission will recommend opening of negotiating chapters with Albania and North Macedonia at the end of May, Handelsblatt reported on Friday. According to Hahn, the recommendation will be made on the basis of criteria mutually agreed upon by EU member […]

Laws passed are waiting for implementation – presented report on Chapter 23

April 23, 2019

In the past period, key reform laws in the fields of justice and human rights have been adopted, but the results of the practical implementation of those laws, which will be important in the accession negotiations for EU membership in Chapter 23, remains to be seen. This was highlighted at today’s policy dialogue “Reforms in […]

Law on Reporting and the Procedure for Data Validation of the Property of Public Position Holders passed

April 19, 2019

  The adoption of the Law on Reporting and the Procedure for Data Validation of the Property of Public Position Holders in Canton Sarajevo has been officially passed on Wednesday. The financial assets of public office holders are of legitimate public interest. Therefore, the adoption of asset disclosure laws is of crucial importance for the […]

EU Commission Urges Romania To ‘Put Reform Process Back On Track, Urgently’

April 19, 2019

  The European Commission has said that it is following “very closely and with great concern” developments in Romania, as EU lawmakers held a plenary session to discuss the rule-of-law situation in the country. The EU member state “needs to put the reform process back on track and to do it urgently,” Justice Commissioner Vera […]

UNDP Moldova seeking International Consultant for Review of the National Corruption and Fraud Risks Methodology

April 18, 2019

UNDP Moldova Project ”Curbing corruption by building sustainable integrity in the Republic of Moldova”  seeks to hire an international consultant to support NAC in developing methodological guidelines on the evaluation and mitigation of corruption and fraud risks within public entities.   The main objective of the assignment is to support NAC in developing the Methodological guidelines […]

European Parliament backs rules to protect whistleblowers

April 18, 2019

The European Parliament on Tuesday (17 April) overwhelmingly voted for rules aimed at protecting whistleblowers from reprisals following corporate scandals such as Dieselgate and Cambridge Analytica. With 591 votes in favour, 29 against and 33 abstentions, the parliament backed rules to boost the fight against fraud, corruption, corporate tax avoidance and damage to people’s health […]

Brussels Warns Romania Over Corruption Immunity Decrees

April 11, 2019

Frans Timmermans on Wednesday said the European Union will act fast if Bucharest goes ahead with plans to pass decrees decriminalizing some corruption-related offences. The European Commission will “act within days” if the Romanian government passes decrees that could give officials and politicians accused of corruption immunity, the European Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans said […]

Protecting whistleblowers: EU safeguards for people acting in public interest

April 9, 2019

EU rules seek to protect people reporting breaches of EU law and provide incentives for those aware of wrongdoing to act in the public interest. Whistleblowers have played a key role in recent years in shedding light on scandals related to tax evasion, such as Lux Leaks and the Panama Papers, or the abuse of […]

Bulgaria’s Chief Prosecutor Orders New Checks into Property Acquisitions by Top Officials

April 8, 2019

Bulgaria’s Chief Prosecutor Sotir Tsatsarov has ordered checks into property acquisitions by the Head of the anti-corruption commission, Plamen Georgiev, the son of the National Investigation Service director Borislav Sarafov and the wife of Supreme Court of Cassation head Lozan Panov, reports BNT. Georgiev on 4th of April said that he would fully co-operate with the […]

Third International Whistleblowers Day 21 March 2019 Tirana, Albania

March 21, 2019

Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection is a regional initiative, established in 2015, dedicated to strengthening legal rights and protection for employees and citizens who report corruption. The Coalition is the world’s first regional organization of its kind. It is comprised of 25 NGOs, journalism organizations and other groups from 12 Southeast and Eastern European […]

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