Online Training
HELP Online Courses
Council of Europe HELP is and European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal professionals supports the Council of Europe member states in implementing the European Convention on Human Rights at the national level. The HELP online learning platform with access to all HELP courses (English original version or national adaptations if they exist and that include additional material on legislation case laws and context of the given country. HELP courses cover both the CoE and EU legal systems and case law and that, and where national versions exist, national laws and jurisprudence are also added to the courses.
Courses are available from this LINK.
Video guidance:
– Creation of an account in less than 1 minute
– How to navigate in a course
– How to navigate in the online platform
UNODC Global Judicial Integrity Network
UNODC Global Judicial Integrity Network has created the Judicial Ethics Training Package. These tools are ready to use in different languages of the United Nations. The tools package consists of three elements: E-Learning Course, Self-Directed Course and Trainers’ Manual.
The course on Judicial Ethics is available from this LINK.
OSCE E-learning platform
OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), OCEEA-01-Good Governance and Anti-Corruption, and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, has been designed online course on prevention and combating corruption for government officials, representatives of law enforcement, private sector and civil society with four training modules:
Module 1. Anti-corruption initiatives, strategies and bodies;
Module 2. Integrity in the public and private sector; Module 3. Codes of conduct, conflict of interest; Module 4. Tools of judicial cooperation; Module 5. Anti-corruption proofing of new legislation; Module 6. Criminalization of corruption
Courses are available from this LINK.
U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center
U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center is a permanent centre at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) in Norway. CMI is a non-profit, multi-disciplinary research institute with social scientists specializing in development studies.
U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center has developed online anti-corruption training for development practitioners.
Course ‘Essentials of Anti-Corruption I: The Basics’ are available at this LINK.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
The online course has been developed by UNDP the Democratic Governance Group, Bureau for Development Policy, and the Learning Resources Centre of the Office of Human Resources, Bureau of Management, with support from practitioners and offices around the world.
The course builds on UNDP’s accumulated knowledge and experience on anti-corruption programming and has benefited from substantive contributions from partners and donors including UNODC, U4, NORAD, AusAID and UN Staff College in Turin.
The course is divided into four lessons. These include:
- Concepts and definitions of corruption and anti-corruption.
- Linkages between anti-corruption and development.
- Norms, standards and frameworks at the global, regional and country level to fight corruption.
- UN’s niche in anti-corruption programming using UN Convention against Corruption as an entry point.
The ‘Basic Course on Anti-Corruption’ is available from this LINK.
Transparency International UK (TI-UK)
This free online training module has been updated in June 2013 and provides best practice anti-bribery training, and enables companies to benchmark their own training programmes.
Doing Business Without Bribery is a self-study e-learning course with which the participant will learn how to prevent and resist bribery in their business and comply with bribery laws. The course starts with an overview of bribery, followed by a set of in-depth realistic scenarios that require the participant to make decisions in familiar situations and ends with a summary of bribery laws and offences. The course features clear and practical advice from TI-UK throughout.
The course has been produced by TI-UK with the support of FTI Consulting and Skillcast.
The course ‘Doing Business Without Bribery’ is available from this LINK.
Global Infrastructure Anti-Corruption Centre (GIACC)
GIACC has developed this on-line training module in order to help users:
- achieve a better understanding of corruption in the infrastructure sector,
- avoid corruption,
- identify corruption,
- deal with corruption appropriately if confronted with it.
This module can be used by individuals, and also by professional institutions and organisations as part of their formal training for their members and employees. It is aimed primarily at middle and senior management, particularly those involved in procurement, tendering, sales and marketing, design, project management, claims management, commercial management, financial management, legal, compliance, and internal audit.
The module focuses on the infrastructure sector. Therefore, corruption examples are based on examples from this sector. However, the principles would apply to all sectors, so people from other sectors would also benefit from this module.
This training can be used by organisations and individuals wherever they are located or working as, although the law will vary between jurisdictions, the module covers general principles and examples which have worldwide applicability.
The module is designed to be undertaken by individuals working by themselves on-line. However, an organisation could project the web-pages onto a screen, and use the whole or part of the module as part of a training workshop.
The course ‘Identifying and Avoiding Corruption in the Infrastructure Sector’ is available at this LINK.