Law on Reporting and the Procedure for Data Validation of the Property of Public Position Holders passed


The adoption of the Law on Reporting and the Procedure for Data Validation of the Property of Public Position Holders in Canton Sarajevo has been officially passed on Wednesday.

The financial assets of public office holders are of legitimate public interest. Therefore, the adoption of asset disclosure laws is of crucial importance for the country’s fight against corruption. Measures to improve transparency and accountability are necessary throughout the country to boost public confidence in the various administrations, legislatures, and executive offices.

“Concrete and measurable results in the fight against corruption are needed for the benefit of all citizens in BiH. We commend the Government of the Sarajevo Canton for showing political leadership in grappling with the difficult challenge of corruption and, in particular, for the emphasis placed on prevention and deterrence. We call on all levels of government in BiH to follow suit,” was stated by the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), the European Union Delegation and EU Special Representative in BiH, and the United States Embassy to BiH.

Our organizations are committed to supporting the implementation of this Law and to the work of the Cantonal Office for the Fight against Corruption and Quality Management.

Sarajevo Times

18 April 2019

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Bosnia and Herzegovina






