The Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) adopts an opinion entitled “Preventing corruption among judges”

The Consultative Council of European Judges of the Council of Europe has just adopted its Opinion No. 21 entitled “Preventing corruption among judges”. Corruption among judges is one of the main threats to society and the functioning of a democratic state. It undermines judicial integrity, which is fundamental to the rule of law and a fundamental value of the Council of Europe. Judicial integrity is the first prerequisite for the efficiency and impartiality of national judicial systems. It is closely interlinked with the judicial independence. It reinforces public trust in their judicial system and, therefore, in its overall political system. Through this Opinion, European judges from the 47 member States of the Council of Europe adopt a common position on how to guarantee the integrity of judges and fight corruption, both by preventing attempts at corruption within the judiciary and by making the judge a major player in this fight.

Link to the Opinion

Council of Europe
November 23, 2018

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