Romania: RCS&RDS directors and Dumitru Dragomir, prosecuted by DNA for bribery and complicity to money laundering

RCS&RDS former Director General Serghei Bulgac and other high positioned persons in the company, as well as Dumitru Dragomir (photo), former chairman of the Football Professional League (LPF) will be prosecuted by the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), being accused of illegal financial operations. The prosecutors have placed under sequester assets of RON 13 million.

Former LPF chairman, the RCS&RDS company and six individuals in its management are prosecuted in the file involving bribery and complicity to money laundering, informs.

The prosecutor point to the files known through the press releases no. 448/VIII/3 dated May 5, 2017, no. 498/VIII/3 dated May 17, 2017 and no. 572/VIII/3 dated June 7, 2017 will prosecute the defenders, placed under judicial control:

– Dumitru Dragomir, at the time of the deeds chairman of LPF, for bribe taking and complicity to money laundering;

– Bendei Ion, at the time of the deeds manager of SC RCS&RDS, for bribe giving and complicity to money laundering;

The other defenders will be prosecuted while free:

– Badita Florin-Bogdan, at the time of the deeds administrator of SC Bodu SRL, for complicity to bribe taking and money laundering;

– Bogdan Dumitru Dragomir, at the time of the deeds sole associate of SC Bodu SRL, for complicity to bribe taking and complicity to money laundering;

– SC Bodu SRL for complicity to bribe taking and money laundering;

– SC RCS&RDS for bribe giving and money laundering;

– Oprea Alexandru, at the time of the deeds Director General and Chairman of the SC RCS&RDS Board, for complicity to bribe giving;

– Dinei Mihai, at the time of the deeds coordinator of the judicial activities of SC RCS&RDS, for complicity to bribe giving and complicity to money laundering;

– Serghei Bulgac, at the time of the deeds Director General of SC RCS&RDS for money laundering;

– SC INTEGRASOFT SRL, at the time of the deeds owned by SC RCS&RDS SA, for complicity to money laundering.

The National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) prosecutors decided on May 5 to start the prosecution procedures and place under judicial control the former Professional Football League (LPF) chairman Dumitru Dragomir. Dragomir is investigated for bribe taking and complicity to money laundering, as ‘Romania Journal’ informed at the time.

Other persons are prosecuted in the same file, former RCS-RDS managers. Dumitru Dragomir is charged with asking the cable TV company for a bribe of EUR 3.5 million.

23 August 2017

Romania Journal

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