“Personal data protection” in Moldova: Court cases not searchable by the names of the parties anymore

On February 6th, the Justice Ministry of Moldova issued a statement on the disclosure of names of the trial parties in the online platform for court cases, instante.justice.md.


Indicating that several citizens objected to the violations of their privacy rights after the publishing of their names in the online monitor of the cases, the Ministry announced that the names of the parties would further be hidden for “personal data protection” causes. Now, the cases will be searchable only based on their serial number and the respective type of examination.

Responding to the complaints of several journalists, the Ministry informs that the disclosure of the names of the parties can be done only at the will of the latter or if the data are tightly linked to the public status of the subject or the corresponding actions. As a small compensation for the journalists, a small page, named “Transparency”, on instante.gov.md will disclose cases of condemnation of justice workers for corruption acts.

The decision taken by the Justice Ministry seems more than odd after a series of threats were thrown at the journalists by public officials who do not want their “personal data” disclosed. Just some weeks ago, the Moldovan press decided to cover the faces and name of all public officials and politicians as a flashmob against the abusive interpretation of the law on personal data protection.



06 February 2017


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