Moldova: Three executives from Cahul prosecuted for extortion

An official from the Cahul District Court, a former police officer and a lawyer are suspected of influence peddling, after they extorted and received 6,000 euros.


The three suspects were detained for 72 hours by the NAC officers and anticorruption prosecutors in the afternoon of July 25.

According to the NAC, the detention occurred after a person denounced that they had extorted and received 6,000 euros to influence the panel of judges of the Cahul Court of Appeal. The officials extorted the money to ensure a favorable decision in respect of a defendant, the purpose being to maintain the conditional punishment.

A criminal case for influence peddling has been initiated against the three suspects. If found guilty, they risk prison sentences of up to six years, or fines of up to 200,000 lei.

27 July 2017

Crime Moldova

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