Moldova: The ANSA dossier: the chief of Phytosanitary Control Station Leuseni admitted his guilt

The head of ANSA’s Phytosanitary Control Station from Leuseni, Vitalie Chilaru, detained for corruption, was placed in house arrest for a period of 20 days. The decision was taken on Thursday, September 7, by the magistrates of the Chişinău district court.


According to the NAC, Chilaru has admitted his guilt and collaborates with the investigation.

Recall that the head of ANSA’s Leuseni Phytosanitary Control Station was detained two days ago for the systematic collection of money from various economic agents. Besides, the representative of an economic agent, who systematically offered the money to the official, was detained.

According to prosecutors, Chilaru would have instructed subordinate veterinarians and phyto-sanitary agents to create impediments for economic agents importing food products to Moldova in order to get them to pay him different sums of money to solve the problem.

At the same time, it was established that the clerk regularly received money for each food item imported through the customs station Leuseni, Tudora and Criva.

A criminal case for active corruption was initiated against the suspect, based on the evidence of systematically receiving payments from a number of economic agents. They would have been paid in the form of “salary” or “protection fee”, precious gifts, etc.

13 September 2017

Crime Moldova

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