Moldova: Prosecutor detained for the attempt to bribe the SCJ judges placed under house arrest

A 30-day house arrest warrant has been issued with respect to the prosecutor that was detained by the NAC officers for the attempt to bribe judges of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) after he acknowledged his guilt. At the same time, two of the three police officers detained in the same case will spend 30 days in custody. The court has to take a decision with regard to the third police officer.


The information has been confirmed for Deschide.MD by the NAC’s press officer, Angela Starinschi.

We would like to remind you that a prosecutor from the Chisinau District Prosecutor’s Office, a police officer from Ialoveni and two former police officers, were arrested on 30 August by anticorruption prosecutors in a case of influence peddling and active corruption.

The prosecutor claimed from a person 15,000 euros to bribe the judges of the SCJ.

ZDG wrote that the prosecutor concerned is Tudor Cojocaru, who since 2010 has been the prosecutor of the Chisinau Court of Appeal. After the reform of the Prosecutor’s Office, he was transferred to the Chisinau District Prosecutor’s Office. Until 2010, Cojocaru was a prosecutor in the Ialoveni District Prosecutor’s Office.

05 September 2017

Crime Moldova

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