Moldova: Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption intends to open a branch in Chisinau

Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption (GOPAC) might shortly have a subsidiary in Moldova. This was announced by the emeritus chairman of the GOPAC, John Glass Williams in a meeting with the Moldovan Speaker Adrian Candu.


According to the official, the basic purpose of the subsidiary will be to provide assistance and capacity building of parliamentarians to address corruption effectively and supervision of institutions responsible for fighting and combating the phenomenon.

“We welcome the initiative of the Republic of Moldova to join lawmakers at the international level in fighting corruption. GOPAC is a global network which brings together parliamentarians from around the world and can provide expertise to MPs when implementing the country’s anti-corruption agenda,” said John Glass Williams.

In turn, Andrian Candu said that fighting corruption is a priority of the Moldovan Parliament, which aims to adopt in the near future the Action Plan for the prevention and fight against corruption and the Code of Conduct and Ethics for lawmakers.

Speaker of Parliament specified that the Legislature has a very important role in the development of legislation and mechanisms to fight corruption, but must ensure, through parliamentary scrutiny, that these mechanisms are functional. “Starting from the adoption of the so-called integrity package deputies also should be more actively involved and use parliamentary control to ensure that both institutions responsible for fighting corruption and government do their best work in the service of citizens,” Andrian Candu said.


12 April 2016


Bosnia and Herzegovina






