Moldova: EU delivered a Joint Analysis Paper to the Government of the Republic of Moldova

On October 13th 2016, the EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova together with the EU Member States and Switzerland presented the Joint Analysis Paper to Government of the Republic of Moldova.


The EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova together with the EU Member States and Switzerland presented the Joint Analysis Paper to Government of the Republic of Moldova.

The Paper serves as a key reference for planning future EU assistance to the Republic of Moldova for the period 2017-2020. This analysis represents the first phase of the Joint Programming process in the Republic of Moldova, which started in 2015. The Joint Analysis is the result of a collective work of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova and the EU Member States and Switzerland. The Government of the Republic of Moldova, the Development Partners, Civil Society and other relevant stakeholders were consulted and contributed to this exercise which is first and foremost intended to further our strategic partnership for the benefit of the people of the Republic of Moldova.

The Paper describes in detail the situation in the Republic of Moldova in thirteen sectors, emphasizing key development issues to be addressed. The Joint Analysis identifies key challenges for the development of the Republic of Moldova, including good governance, justice and home affairs, economy and the financial sector. The EU, its Member States and Switzerland are ready to support the Republic of Moldova in its efforts to address these challenges, with the objective of delivering tangible and visible results to the population.

Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova

13 October 2016

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