Moldova: A specialist of the Balti Military Center is facing a six-year jail sentence for active corruption

A specialist from the Territorial Military Center Balti will be tried for influence peddling. The suspect would have asked 800 euros from a young man to save him from military service and release his military book.


According to prosecutors, the suspect acted in complicity with another person. They received 600 euros of the requested money. The men told the young man that they had an influence on the decision makers of the Balti Territorial Military Center, who were to complete and release the document, which attests the completion of the military service.

At the same time, the prosecutors submitted a request to the Ministry of Defense to suspend the specialist until the final decision of the court on the case is pronounced.

If they are found guilty, the suspects risk up to 6 years in prison or a fine of about 200 thousand lei.

Crime Moldova

2 November 2017

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