Macedonia’s twice delayed poll to be held in December

Political leaders of crisis-hit Macedonia agreed late on Wednesday to hold elections in December that have already been delayed twice following international pressure to ensure a free and fair vote.

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Skopje, Macedonia

Both the ruling conservatives VMRO-DPMNE and the main opposition Social Democrats (SDSM), as well as two major ethnic Albanian parties, settled on December 11 legislative polls.

“We are happy to have set the conditions for a free and fair election,” SDSM leader Zoran Zaev told reporters after the meeting.

The vote, supposed to end political turmoil in the Balkan country, was initially set for April and then June, but was delayed both times as the opposition claimed press freedom restrictions and outdated electoral rolls made fair polls impossible.

Former prime minister and VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski said Wednesday he was “satisfied” that SDSM could “not avoid the elections any more.”

According to the agreement, signed by all four party leaders, parliament will convene on Friday to vote in a government tasked with organising the elections.

Macedonia has been in deep political crisis since February 2015, when Zaev began releasing tapes that appeared to reveal official and widespread wiretapping, top-level corruption and other crimes.

After street protests on both sides, the European Union stepped in to mediate a deal that included early elections. Polls were due in 2018.

Macedonia has been a candidate for EU membership since 2005 but has yet to open accession talks.

Yahoo News

31 August, 2016


Bosnia and Herzegovina






