Government of Albania and United Nations sign the Programme of Cooperation

The Government of Albania (Mr. Niko Peleshi, Deputy Prime Minister) and the United Nations (Mr. Brian Williams, UN Resident Coordinator) signed today the Programme of Cooperation for Sustainable Development (PoCSD) 2017-2021 that will enter into effect on 1 January 2017.


PoCSD 2017-2021 is the over-arching “One Programme” of the Delivering as One approach that articulates UN Albania’s vision, strategy and plan of action to support national development efforts over five years. It serves as the UN Sustainable Development Framework (the proposed new global reference label replacing “UNDAF”).

The Programme is designed to support Albania in translating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the objectives of the National Strategy for Development and Integration 2015-2020 into actions. It is a result of the intensive consultations that took place in 2015 with participation from different national stakeholders including line ministries, civil society, development partners and private sector.

Seventeen UN agencies will contribute to implementation of the new PoCSD 2017-2021, which is expected to amount at $108 million for joint initiatives over the five year period. In addition to this, individual UN agencies will continue to focus on areas of their mandate through their country programme and strategies. UNODC is a contributor and signatory to the PoCSD 2017-2021.



24 October 2016

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