Government launches tax payment guide for Romanians abroad

The Ministry of Public Finance and the Department of Romanians from Everywhere have launched an interactive online guide that supports the Romanian citizens outside the country and offers information regarding the payment and taxes declaration.


Anca Dragu, Finance Minister of Romania

The document has as starting point the most frequent questions regarding the fiscal liabilities that Romanian citizens have to pay for the the incomes obtained from several sources, both from the country and abroad. Moreover, it contains clarifications for the cases in which a person has or doesn’t have the fiscal residency in Romania.

“The closeness towards tax payers through an efficient information and high transparency constitute a priority during my mandate. This guide is part of a bigger information campaign for citizens regarding the payment methods of taxes and the fiscal declarations submissions. We believe it’s an important step in the state-tax payers relation improvement and the voluntary conformation growth, “ said Anca Dragu, the minister of Public Finance.

Besides the fiscal liabilities, there is also an information about the payments of social health insurance contributions and social insurance contributions.

Business Review 

26 July 2016


Bosnia and Herzegovina






