Former Romanian hospital manager to spend 7 years in prison for bribes

Danut Capatina, the former manager of the Constanta County Emergency Clinical Hospital, will spend six years and eight months in prison for money laundering and taking bribes.


The Bucharest Court of Appeal has issued the final sentence, which is much lower than what the Bucharest Court ruled in December last year: 13 years and four months, reports local

Anticorruption prosecutors say that, between July 2009 and May 2016, Danut Capatina demanded money from several company representatives in exchange for contracts with the hospital. He received, both directly and indirectly via off-shore companies, a total of EUR 197,858, USD 27,900, and over RON 4.7 million.

Danut Capatina was previously sentenced to four years and four months in prison for attempted abuse of office. However, the sentence ruled by Constanta Court in August last year is not final.

Prosecutors from the National Anticorruption Department also sent him to court in two other cases.

10 July 2017

Romania Insider

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