Ex-EU Kosovo* judge cleared of corruption allegations

PRISTINA, Kosovo* (AP)  Prosecutors representing the European Union have cleared a former international judge of the EU’s rule-of-law mission, known as EULEX, and three Kosovo* lawyers of allegations of corruption.


A statement Monday by Kosovo*’s prosecutor-general’s office said former EULEX Judge Francesco Florit, an Italian, “has not solicited or accepted any form of bribe, and he has not even accepted a promise of a bribe from the defendants” in two cases monitored by the agency. Three Albanian lawyers were cleared of allegations of giving bribes.

The two prosecutors, from Kosovo* and the United States, were not identified.

The EULEX mission supports Kosovo* on its path to greater European integration in the areas of rule of law and fighting corruption since 2008 when Pristina declared independence from Serbia.


7 November 2016

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999)

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