Chisinau, Moldova 12-13 September 2018: Regional Workshop on IT Tools in Prevention of Corruption

RAI Secretariat in cooperation with the National Anti-corruption Center of the Republic of Moldova held a Regional Workshop on IT Tools in Preventing Corruption. The Regional Workshop took place in Chisinau, Moldova on September 12-13. 2018.





The Workshop brought together relevant representatives of anti-corruption bodies from Southeast Europe, responsible for corruption risk assessment and/or corruption proofing of legislation as well as the representatives of IT departments. The objective of the Workshop was to exchange best practices and models of existing IT solutions in the field of corruption risk assessment and corruption proofing of legislation, as well as to define and agree on the final IT models, which will be developed by RAI and delivered to respective national institutions in the forthcoming period. The event was also an opportunity for participants to engage in peer to peer exchange and increase their knowledge on the subject and, at the same time, establish informal professional links between themselves.

The Regional Workshop is an action delivered under the Southeast Europe Regional Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of Anti-corruption Authorities and Civil Society to Combat Corruption and Contribute to the UNCAC Review Process (Programme) implemented by Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) in cooperation with the United Nations Office and Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and funded by the Austrian Development Agency.

Agenda of the Workshop 

List of Participants

For more information please reach out to us on

RAI Secretariat

23 August 2018


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