EU launches assessment exercise with Moldovan institutions

The EU has launched an assessment exercise of several Moldovan institutions, upon the request of the Moldovan Parliament and Government.

The aim is to provide advice and recommendations on the structure and activities of key rule of law institutions in the Republic of Moldova in three different areas: reform process of the justice sector, anti-money laundering system and anti-corruption system.


Working under the EU’s TAIEX instrument, 15 experts will today start their first missions on assessment of Moldovan institutions including the National Anti-Corruption Centre, National Integrity Commission, Constitutional Court, General Prosecutor’s Office and others.  The assessment is scheduled for completion in March 2016.

TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange) supports the EU’s neighbouring countries in the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation. It is mainly demand driven and contributes to the delivery of tailor-made expertise to address problems at short notice. Assistance is given through expert missions, workshops or seminars and study visits.

Press Release


Bosnia and Herzegovina






