Eight foreign citizens were caught in Moldova in a case of money laundering

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Eight foreign citizens were caught by the prosecutors and officers of the National Anticorruption Center in a case of money laundering. Three of them are from France, two from Mexico, one from the Dominican Republic, one from Canada, one from the US and one from Gabon.

They are accused of coming to Moldova in order to use the local banking system to steal and transit illicit funds from accounts from foreign banks. The sums amount to hundreds of millions of euros.

While in Moldova, the members of the group talked to each other about the preparation and implementation of several big fraudulent transactions through some accounts in several foreign banks. For that purpose, they hired “hackers” who accessed banking systems illegally.

According to preliminary investigations, the members of the group already planned a couple of fraudulent banking operations through a commercial bank in Moldova, and opened several accounts for that purpose.

At the moment, all the members of the group are in NAC custody for 72 hours. In the meanwhile, the NAC informed the diplomatic missions and law enforcing institutions in the respective countries about the scheme, requesting their help in finding information about their citizens’ activity.

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moldova.org            July 8, 2015


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