Chisinau, Moldova September 4th 2019: International Workshop on Exchanging Best Practices on Professional Integrity Testing and Corruption Risk Assessment

RAI Secretariat participated in the International Workshop on Exchanging Best Practices on Professional Integrity Testing and Corruption Risk Assessment that took place in Chisinau, Moldova on September 4th 2019. The Workshop was organized under the auspice of the Anti-corruption Twining Project funded by the European Union. This occasion gathered experts and professionals in the field of Integrity and Corruption Risk Assessment. This was an opportunity to engage in a dialogue and exchange on the mentioned topics and identify best practices as well as lessons learned form the work conducted and methodologies applied so far.


Mr. Vladan Joksimovic, Head of RAI Secretariat shared the experiences of RAI Secretariat based on the work with jurisdictions in Southeast Europe over the last four years within the Regional Programme titled “Southeast Europe Regional Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of Anti-corruption Authorities and Civil Society to Combat Corruption and Contribute to the UNCAC Review Process” funded by the Austrian Development Agency.




During his stay in Chisinau, Mr. Joksimovic met with the representatives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, with the Director of National Integrity Authority Ms. Rodica Antoci and her team, and the newly appointed Director of the National Anti-corruption Centre Mr. Ruslan Flocea.

Key points of discussion were signing and the future of the International Treaty on Exchange of Data for the Verification of Asset Declarations facilitated by Regional Anti-corruption Initiative. Mr. Joksimovic informed all the colleagues about the current project in the field of asset recovery, as well as the upcoming EU project in the filed of whistleblowing.


RAI Secretariat

06 September 2019


Bosnia and Herzegovina






