SEE News

Serbian Anti-Graft Watchdog Says Telekom Shouldn’t Be Sold

August 25, 2015

Serbian anti-graft authorities urged the government not to sell Telekom Srbija, criticizing the company’s operations as “not transparent” and saying it has been under “intense political pressure for years.” The government may not be able to sell publicly owned resources that the country’s largest phone operator may be using, including the telecommunications network, the anti-Corruption […]

Bulgaria Not Doing Enough to Combat Foreign Bribery

August 24, 2015

Bulgaria is among countries doing little or no effort to combat foreign bribery, a Transparency International report shows. In its Progress Report 2015: Assessing Enforcement of the OECD Convention on Combating Foreign Bribery [PDF], the organization says cross-border bribery “has enormous negative consequences for the populations of affected countries”. The 11th annual report deals with […]

Challenges faced by Serbia: Transparency of media ownership and privatisation

August 24, 2015

Transparency of ownership represents one of the foundations of free and independent media. While in western democracies ownership transparency tends to be high, LSE student Milan Dinic argues that this is not the case in countries undergoing transition to the west, Serbia being one of them. He looks at the state of media ownership in […]

Montenegro Tightens Law on Seizing Criminals’ Assets

August 21, 2015

Montenegrin Justice Minister Zoran Pazin on Thursday (Jul 20) said the government had adopted a bill on forfeiture of criminal assets, which aims to tackle the economic power of those behind corruption and crime. The asset forfeiture law allows the government to seize and keep cash, cars, real estate, and any other property through the […]

Bulgaria Not Doing Enough to Combat Foreign Bribery

August 21, 2015

Bulgaria is among countries doing little or no effort to combat foreign bribery, a Transparency International report shows. In its Progress Report 2015: Assessing Enforcement of the OECD Convention on Combating Foreign Bribery [PDF], the organization says cross-border bribery “has enormous negative consequences for the populations of affected countries”. The 11th annual report deals with […]

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Journalists Trace Property of Politician’s Family

August 21, 2015

The Sarajevo-based Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) has published the results of a three-month investigation into property owned by the family of Dragan Covic, the Croat president of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). It turns out that Covic’s family owns a lot. According to the 1995 Dayton peace agreement, the BiH presidency is shared by three […]

Prosecutors seize Romanian Prime Minister’s apartment

August 21, 2015

The anti-corruption prosecutors have seized an apartment owned by the Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta. They recently charged him with of complicity to tax evasion, with a prejudice of over EUR 11,500. Ponta allegedly helped his friend and former Infrastructure Minister Dan Sova avoid paying some taxes, according to prosecutors, reports local Ponta apparently […]

Montenegro Opposition Plans Wave of Protests

August 20, 2015

Montenegro’s strongest opposition alliance, the Democratic Front, is planning a series of anti-government rallies in September, calling on the government to resign and hold new elections. Montenegro’s opposition Democratic Front is planning rallies across the country aimed at forcing out Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic – who has held power since 1991 – on September 27, […]

Former Croatian Prime Minister Sanader Asks to Be Released From Prison

August 20, 2015

A bid for prison freedom from a former Croatian prime minister. If and when Sanader will be released from the remand detention, after the Constitutional Court overturned his verdict in Hypo and INA-MOL cases, will probably be known by the end of the month. His attorneys Jadranka Sloković and Čedo Prodanović have requested that the […]

Another step to transparency: The names of companies owners from Moldova are now public

August 19, 2015

After the Economic Council of the Prime-Minister of Moldova demanded this measure three times in the last half a year, the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications published the list with the names of the owners and founders of about 200 000 Moldovan enterprises. Now, this kind is information is public and free. The list […]

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Bosnia and Herzegovina






