SEE News

Montenegro: €4.8m for the fight against corruption – political will is a prerequisite

March 15, 2016

Montenegro has allocated €4.8m this year for the fight against corruption, which is twice more than in the past. It has been announced at the conference “The price of corruption – analysis of the anti-corruption policy effectiveness”, organised by the Centre for Monitoring and Research (CEMI). The participants of the conference have agreed that political […]

Moldova: Joint Press Release following the second Association Council meeting between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova

March 15, 2016

The European Union and the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter “Moldova) held today the second meeting of the Association Council under the Association Agreement. The EU and Moldova reconfirmed the common determination to implement their commitments to strengthening Moldova´s political association and economic integration with the EU. While acknowledging the provisional application of the Association Agreement […]

Bulgaria, Romania: EU Govts to Approve Positions on EC Reports

March 15, 2016

EU member states’ governments are set to vote Tuesday on conclusions based on reports prepared by the EU Commission about the judicial system and anti-corruption measures of Bulgaria and Romania. The reports have been an annual practice for the Commission since 2007, when the two countries joined the bloc and agreed to have their judiciary […]

Bulgaria’s Anti-Corruption Bill Was ‘Too Good’ to Be Passed – Deputy PM

March 10, 2016

Eastern Europe is closer to the conflict in Syria and this explains its different reaction to the migrant crisis compared to the West, Bulgaria‘s Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Kuneva told the BBC. She also commented on domestic issues such as the fight against corruption and Bulgaria‘s further integration into the European Union. In a HardTalk […]

Constitutional Court’s decision against secret service wiretaps impacts criminal investigations in Romania

March 10, 2016

A recent decision of the Constitutional Court changes the rules for criminal investigations in Romania and may impact thousands of ongoing corruption and organized crime investigations as well as cases already sent to court. The decision will also force local prosecution bodies hire more people and spend millions of euros on setting up their own […]

Tax transparency: Commission welcomes agreement reached by Member States for the automatic exchange of information on country-by-country reports (CbCR) of multinational companies, subject to UK scrutiny

March 9, 2016

The Commission welcomes today’s political agreement by Member States on the automatic exchange of tax-related financial information of multinational companies, known as country-by-country reporting, subject to UK parliamentary scrutiny. The agreement was reached at a meeting of Economic and Financial Affairs ministers in Brussels, less than two months after the European Commission presented its ambitious […]

Romania’s anti-corruption crusade is not finished yet

March 7, 2016

Romania’s anti-corruption prosecutors again announced record results in 2015, and public confidence in the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) is high. But while the many arrests have a deterrent effect, fully cleaning up Romania’s state institutions will be a slow process. The figures announced by DNA chief prosecutor Laura Kovesi at the presentation of the directorate’s […]

The refugee crisis: why we need to speak about corruption

March 4, 2016

Over a million migrants and refugees fleeing war, poverty and violence in the Middle East, Asia and Africa crossed into Europe by land, air and sea in 2015, setting off the largest refugee crisis in Europe since WWII. Even higher numbers have poured into neighbouring countries, such as Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey in the case of people […]

Bulgarian Government Reviews New Version of Anti-Corruption Bill

March 3, 2016

At its regular meeting on Wednesday, the Bulgarian government discussed the edited version of the anti-corruption bill. The draft law on prevention of corruption and confiscation of unlawfully acquired property will be presented on Wednesday to MPs from the two parties constituting the ruling coalition and the two parties supporting the coalition government. The draft law […]

Europe-wide action targets money mule schemes

March 3, 2016

From 22 to 26 February 2016, law enforcement agencies and judicial bodies from Belgium, Denmark, Greece, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Romania, Spain and Portugal – with further support from Moldova and other countries – joined forces in the first coordinated European action against money muling. The operation was also supported by Europol, Eurojust and […]

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