SEE News

Sofia, 20-21 October 2016: Third Regional Meeting of Oversight Bodies for Asset Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

October 26, 2016

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) organized the 3rd Regional Meeting of the Oversight Bodies for Asset Disclosure and Conflict of Interest on October 20-21, 2016 in Sofia, Bulgaria, in collaboration with Commission for Prevention and Ascertainment of Conflict of Interest of Republic of Bulgaria and Regional Cooperation Council, and supported by the Austrian Development Agency. The event […]

Moldova: 28 policemen arrested for suspicions of passive corruption

October 26, 2016

On October 25th, the Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office announced about the arrest of 28 policemen from the National Patrol Inspectorate for suspicions of passive corruption. The policemen were arrested during a common session of the Inspectorate. The policemen reportedly asked and/or received sums between 100 lei and 1000 US dollars for not concluding a file for […]

OSCE-hosted discussion in Vienna calls for stronger co-operation and effective fight against corruption in Western Balkans

October 26, 2016

Some 60 anti-corruption professionals from the Western Balkan region and experts from international organizations called for stronger co-operation and an effective fight against corruption at a two-day expert meeting entitled “Lessons from South East Europe” that concluded today in Vienna. Practitioners from anti-corruption agencies, NGOs, financial intelligence units, law enforcement agencies, public prosecutors’ offices, election […]

Kosovo*: Special edition of the Public Pulse on corruption

October 25, 2016

This special edition of the Public Pulse on Corruption, is prepared in line with research approach and methodology of the UNDP’s periodic Public Pulses which analyses citizens’ perceptions of Kosovo’s* Institutions, with a focus on political, economic, security, and development. The present Public Pulse on Corruption, focuses its analysis on perceptions of citizens of Kosovo* […]

EU Parliament to Discuss New Monitoring Mechanism on Bulgaria, Romania

October 25, 2016

The European Parliament is to discuss options to replace the current Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) on Tuesday. The CVM is applied on Bulgaria and Romania, monitoring their progress in judicial reforms and fighting corruption. Some MEPs, however, demand that a mechanism be implemented to monitor all member states and assess the quality of their democracy, […]

Government of Albania and United Nations sign the Programme of Cooperation

October 25, 2016

The Government of Albania (Mr. Niko Peleshi, Deputy Prime Minister) and the United Nations (Mr. Brian Williams, UN Resident Coordinator) signed today the Programme of Cooperation for Sustainable Development (PoCSD) 2017-2021 that will enter into effect on 1 January 2017. PoCSD 2017-2021 is the over-arching “One Programme” of the Delivering as One approach that articulates […]

Romanian anti-fraud chief, state secretary resign amid tax evasion and corruption probe

October 24, 2016

Mariana Vizoli, a state secretary in the Ministry of Finance, and Daniel Diaconescu, the chief of the Anti-Fraud Department within Romania’s tax agency ANAF, resigned after the National Anticorruption Department (DNA) placed them under judicial control in the EUR 132 million “Murfatlar” tax evasion case. Finance minister Anca Dragu accepted their resignations on Friday, according to a […]

Macedonia: Special Prosecutor Wins Standoff Over Wiretap Evidence

October 24, 2016

A special prosecutor set up in Macedonia to investigate allegations of widespread political corruption has gained access to possible evidence of illegal wiretapping by former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, ending a standoff with secret police that started earlier in the week, a deputy at the special prosecutors’ office told the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting […]

Sofia 20-21 October 2016: Third Regional Meeting of Oversight Bodies for Asset Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

October 20, 2016

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI), supported by the Austrian Development Agency, in cooperation with the Regional Cooperation Council and the Commission for Prevention and Ascertainment of Conflict of Interest of Bulgaria, is holding the 3rd REGIONAL MEETING of OVERSIGHT BODIES for ASSET DISCLOSURE and CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The event is organized as a follow-up to the Regional […]

Moldova: Anticorruption Flash Mob in the Parliament Square

October 19, 2016

An anticorruption Flash Mob was organized today in the Parliament Square. Several social active young people from national youth organizations and local initiative groups, involved in in conducting anticorruption awareness campaigns for the past two years, came out with an original way of communicating the “Discourage the corruption by denouncing it” to citizens.   By […]

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