SEE News

Macedonia: Anti-Corruption Committee begins procedures against the Government for violating the Electoral Code

August 30, 2017

The State Committee for Prevention of Corruption decided to initiate three anti-corruption cases against institutions who fired, suspended or initiated procedures against their employees, even after the municipal elections were declared. The Electoral Code bans dismissals and appointments of public sector employees and officials in the run up to the elections. Two of the instances […]

Moldova: Evidence disappears in the NAC

August 29, 2017

Officers of the National Anticorruption Center (NAC) have detained an investigator of their Center for 72 hours. The investigator is suspected of having taken evidence from a case he was handling after filing his resignation. NAC’s press service reported that a verification of the acceptance report on the cases handled by the investigator after his […]

Romania: EU calls on Romania to check corruption

August 29, 2017

Considered one of Europe’s most corrupt countries, Romania is under pressure by the European Union to fight corruption. Brussels has asked Romania to provide details of its proposed overhaul of the judiciary. During a visit to Bucharest last week, French President Emmanuel Macron echoed the European Commission’s concerns. He told the local news agency Mediafax: “I have […]

Romania: Anti-corruption department to investigate minister

August 28, 2017

Romania’s Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) has asked the General Prosecutor to notify the Senate to start the investigation of Viorel Ilie, the minister for the relation with the Parliament. Prosecutors suspect that the minister used and granted information that was not public, in collaboration with three employees in the Ministry for the Relation with the Parliament. The […]

Moldova: A former MP risks up to 8 years in prison, for damaging the state budget by 152,000 Euro

August 24, 2017

The former deputy to the first Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Pantelei Sandulachi, risks up to 8 years of imprisonment for self-indulgence, resulting in damaging the state budget by approx. 152,000 Euros. His case was sent to trial by the Anti corruption Prosecutor’s Office, which completed the prosecution. The former Finance Minister Veaceslav Negruta […]

Romania: Hundreds protested in Bucharest against justice law amendments

August 24, 2017

Several hundreds of people took to the street in the already famous Victoriei Square in Bucharest on Wednesday night to lash out at the draft law amending the justice laws tabled by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader previously in the day. Protesters sang the national anthem and chanted “PSD, the red plague!”, just like in the […]

Romania: RCS&RDS directors and Dumitru Dragomir, prosecuted by DNA for bribery and complicity to money laundering

August 23, 2017

RCS&RDS former Director General Serghei Bulgac and other high positioned persons in the company, as well as Dumitru Dragomir (photo), former chairman of the Football Professional League (LPF) will be prosecuted by the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), being accused of illegal financial operations. The prosecutors have placed under sequester assets of RON 13 million. Former […]

Moldova: National anti-corruption centre detains four persons including official from education ministry

August 22, 2017

Four persons, including an official from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, were detained by prosecutors and anticorruption officers today, suspected of organizing a money extortion scheme to speed up the authentication of documents. According to the spokesperson of the National Anticorruption Centre (CNA), Angela Starinschi, the detentions took place after a series of […]

Moldova: National Olympic Committee accused of stealing money, intended for athletes

August 21, 2017

The President of the National Olympic Committee, Nicolae Juravschi, is accused of money laundering, corruption and theft of funds, intended for athletes. The accusation was brought in a press conference, held on August 17, by Fiodor Ghelici, President of the Public Control Commission under the Civil Society Council attached to the President of the Republic of […]

Romania: Tel Drum SA, representatives Pitis, Visan prosecuted

August 21, 2017

Tel Drum SA commercial company and its representatives – Petre Pitis and Mircea Visan – on Friday were placed under criminal investigation by prosecutors with the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) for the offence of using or presenting, in bad faith, false or inaccurate or incomplete documents or statements when such action results in unfairly obtaining […]

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