SEE News

Serbia: Vucic Cleared of Abuse in Serbian Presidential Election

September 11, 2017

Serbia’s Anti-Corruption Agency has ruled that Aleksandar Vucic did not abuse state resources, or his former position as Prime Minister, in the campaign for the April 2 presidential election – which he won. Serbia’s Anti-Corruption Agency has ruled that President Aleksandar Vucic did not break the law banning use of public resources for political promotion […]

Moldova: National Agency for Food Safety raided: A head of the institution and a trader detained in a corruption case

September 8, 2017

Vitalie Chilaru, head of the Leuseni Phytosanitary Control Station under the National Agency for Food Safety (ANSA), has been detained for systematic collection of money from various traders. A representative of an economic agent, who systematically offered money to the official, was detained along with the head of the Phytosanitary Control Station. According to the […]

Moldova: Another case against Chirtoaca: Mayor exceeds his duties

September 7, 2017

Mayor of Chisinau, Dorin Chirtoaca, suspended from office, is prosecuted in a new criminal case, being suspected of overcoming his duties. The Prosecution Office issued an order of recognizing the mayor as a suspect, but it would be pronounced on Friday, because the mayor came to the public prosecutor without his lawyers. According to the […]

07 – 08 September 2017: RAI Secretariat Visits Slovenia

September 7, 2017

During the period of 07 – 08 September 2017, RAI Secretariat, represented by Head of Secretariat, Mr Vladan Joksimovic, Anti-Corruption Expert, Mr Tomislav Curic and Program and Outreach Officer, Ms Jasna Panjeta, is participating at two outstanding interlinked regional events that are being held in Brdo, Slovenia: 17th PCC SEE Committee of Ministers Meeting on September 7th […]

Romania: Former finance minister says he was tricked by prosecutors

September 6, 2017

Former Romanian finance minister Darius Valcov accused the anticorruption prosecutors of deceit saying they promised him an easy sentence if he admitted to committing influence peddling after which they came up with new charges against him. At a High Court hearing, Valcov said that the prosecutors gave him two options: to admit his guilt for […]

Gallup Poll: Subject of Corruption Marks Beginning of Bulgaria’s Political Autumn

September 6, 2017

As the political autumn kicks off in Bulgaria, corruption turns out to be in the main focus of the domestic political debate and the legislative process, according to a nationwide poll conducted by Gallup International. The question about who should control the future single anti-corruption agency has emerged as a central issue, Gallup said. More […]

Moldova: Prosecutor detained for the attempt to bribe the SCJ judges placed under house arrest

September 5, 2017

A 30-day house arrest warrant has been issued with respect to the prosecutor that was detained by the NAC officers for the attempt to bribe judges of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) after he acknowledged his guilt. At the same time, two of the three police officers detained in the same case will spend […]

Bulgaria: President Radev Comments on Anti-Corruption Bills

September 4, 2017

Approached for comment on the anti-corruption bill drafted by the opposition Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), Bulgarian President Roumen Radev said that this is an extremely important subject for Bulgaria but prevention is not the only way to combat corruption.   “Prevention is certainly important, but investigation, prosecution and punishment are equally important,” the head of […]

Bulgarian Parliament autumn sitting opens with promises on anti-corruption

September 4, 2017

Bulgaria’s National Assembly opened its autumn sitting on September 1, after a month-long summer recess, with politicians dwelling on promises of new anti-corruption legislation and the country’s forthcoming 2018 presidency of the European Union. Prime Minister Boiko Borissov’s centre-right GERB party and the opposition Bulgarian Socialist Party both are putting forward rival versions of anti-corruption […]

Moldova: former Deputy Interior Minister pays a fine of 112.500 lei

August 30, 2017

The Magistrate of Chisinau’s court today made the former Deputy Interior Minister, Veaceslav Ceban, pay a fine 112.500 lei (aprox 5327 Euros). His godson, Stanislav Caraman was fined with 150 thousand lei (aprox 7100) and had to reimburse the 12 thousand euro, given to him as bribery.  Both of them were detained on 25th of June. According to the […]

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