SEE News

Romania: Big corruption case targets illegal medical service reimbursements

November 8, 2017

Prosecutors from Romania’s National Anticorruption Department (DNA) detained 16 people on Monday, November 6, in a new corruption case targeting illegal reimbursements of medical services. Most of those detained are representatives of companies providing home healthcare services, but the list also includes a doctor and a lawyer. They are charged with establishing an organized criminal […]

Romania: Anti-corruption protests held in dozens of cities

November 6, 2017

Rallies in Bucharest and other cities have taken aim at a law that will weaken efforts to root out corruption. The government says a new law will prevent the judiciary from pursuing a politically motivated agenda. More than 10,000 people took part in protests across Romania on Sunday in an attempt to stop the government […]

Owner of Croatia’s Agrokor on Europe’s most wanted fugitive list

November 3, 2017

The owner of Croatia’s ailing concern Agrokor, Ivica Todoric, has been put on its list of Europe’s most wanted fugitives, an Europol notice reveals. Todoric is wanted for “corruption, forgery of administrative documents and trafficking therein”, according to the notice posted on the website of the European Union’s agency for law enforcement cooperation. The owner of […]

Moldova: A specialist of the Balti Military Center is facing a six-year jail sentence for active corruption

November 2, 2017

A specialist from the Territorial Military Center Balti will be tried for influence peddling. The suspect would have asked 800 euros from a young man to save him from military service and release his military book. According to prosecutors, the suspect acted in complicity with another person. They received 600 euros of the requested money. […]

Macedonia: Two members of Government are under investigation for corruption, announces Zaev

November 2, 2017

Two members of the current government are under investigation for corruption, announces Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in his speech at the “Macedonia 2025″ Summit, which is being held in Skopje. Zaev added that the investigations were opened after reports from concerned citizens, but stressed that he could not release more details. “We are actively fighting […]

Simple Rules and Transparency Key to Reducing Corruption, Says Mungiu-Pippidi

October 31, 2017

Low levels of regulation, minimal government intervention, and transparency are essential to reducing corruption, but can only be effective in a society where an independent media and judiciary can empower active citizenship, said Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, who chairs the European Research Centre for Anticorruption and State-Building (ERCAS) at Hertie School of Governance.​ Mungiu-Pippidi delivered her lecture […]

Bulgaria high court to seek constitutional ruling on existence of specialised anti-corruption courts

October 30, 2017

Judges at Bulgaria’s Supreme Court of Cassation (SCC) voted on October 27 in favour of a motion to challenge at the Constitutional Court the creation of specialised courts for corruption cases. Earlier this year, Parliament approved amendments to the Penal Procedure Code, which envisioned that corruption cases brought against senior elected officials and magistrates would […]

Bushati: Vetting process to eradicate corruption in Albania’s judiciary

October 30, 2017

A vetting process that will screen hundreds of judges and prosecutors in Albania is seen as crucial to clean the country’s justice system of corrupt people, Socialist Party MP Ervin Bushati said at a meeting hosted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Rome, Italy. “The vetting is extremely important to […]

Rome’s Trevi fountain turns red after activist uses dye to protest ‘corruption’

October 27, 2017

An Italian activist has poured red dye into the Trevi Fountain 10 years after he pulled the same stunt. Graziano Cecchini insisted that the dye wouldn’t harm the fountain and was intended as a protest against Rome’s corruption and filth. According to witnesses, Cecchini managed to climb onto the side of the fountain and pour […]

25 – 26 October 2017, Sarajevo, BiH: JAI-NET Meeting – RAI presented the International Instrument on Data Exchange in Asset Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

October 27, 2017

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) represented by Head of Secretariat, Mr Vladan Joksimović, and Programme and Outreach Officer, Ms Jasna Panjeta, participated at the internal meeting on “Preventing, Identifying and Addressing (Instances of) State Capture”, which was organized by the European Commission on 25 – 26 October 2017, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The meeting started by defining, […]

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