SEE News

June 6-7 Vienna: RAI Secretariat pays a visit to Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs & Austrian Development Agency ADA

June 8, 2018

On June 6-7, RAI Secretariat paid a visit to Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs & Austrian Development Agency ADA, as well as partners in OSCE and UNODC. The visit took place in the context of the Southeast Europe Regional Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of Anti-corruption Authorities and Civil Society to Combat […]

29th May, Zagreb: Round table on Whistleblowers Protection

May 29, 2018

Today, RAI Secretariat in cooperation with Ministry of Justice of Republic  of Croatia, hosted a  Round table on Legislative Framework and Best Practices in  Whistleblowers Protection, as a part of the discussion on Croatian Draft Law on Whistleblowers. Representatives of National Institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia shared their expertise and experiences in implementation […]

Macedonia Court Gives Gruevski Two-Year Sentence

May 24, 2018

A Skopje court on Wednesday sentenced former PM Nikola Gruevski to two years in jail for involvement in the illicit secret purchase of a luxury Mercedes – in a first-instance verdict that he may appeal. Nikola Gruevski, Macedonia’s former prime minister and former leader of the VMRO DPMNE party, was jailed for two years on […]

Preparations for Western Balkans Summit 2018: Anti-corruption and Financial Information Sharing Partnerships

May 10, 2018

RAI Secretariat is taking part in a preparatory regional meeting for the upcoming Western Balkan Summit London 2018. The regional meeting is dedicated to Anti-Corruption and Financial Information Sharing Partnerships and its role in the disruption of crime. It is a two day event that started yesterday and continues today in Podgorica, Montenegro. Mr. Vladan Joksimovic, […]

European Commission – Press release Whistleblower protection: Commission sets new, EU-wide rules

April 24, 2018

The European Commission is proposing a new law to strengthen whistleblower protection across the EU.   Recent scandals such as Dieselgate, Luxleaks, the Panama Papers or the ongoing Cambridge Analytica revelations show that whistleblowers can play an important role in uncovering unlawful activities that damage the public interest and the welfare of our citizens and […]

Regional Cooperation Council and Regional Anti-corruption Initiative straightening ties

April 17, 2018

Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding today  further strenghtening its long lasting partnership.     Mr. Goran Svilanovic Secretary General of RCC, Mr. Davor Dubravica, Chairperson of RAI Steering Group and Mr. Vladan Joksimovic, Head of RAI Secretariat met today to exchange views in the filed […]

Whistleblowers Rewarded, Redeemed: Citizens, students and activists celebrate Free Speech Week in Kosovo*

April 12, 2018

Gjorgji Lazarevski spent 11 months in prison – most of it in solitary confinement – as retribution for exposing the illegal wiretapping of thousands of political opponents by the government of Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. Today, Lazarevski is free – and Gruevski is out of a job. Guest of Honor: Macedonian whistleblower Gjorgji Lazarevski […]

RAI Secretariat presents the findings of the Regional Asset Recovery Study at the joint FATF/OSCE/Moneyval Workshop for Judges and Prosecutors in Strasbourg

March 27, 2018

Today and tomorrow  FATF, OSCE and Moneyval are holding a  International Workshop for Judges and Prosecutors: Experiences, Challenges and Best Practices,at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg,France. RAI Secretariat represented by Head of Office Mr. Vladan Joksimovic presented the findings, challenges and good practices of the comparative study concerning the search, seizure, and confiscation of illegally obtained assets […]

Romania: European Commission’s CVM assessment mission for three days

March 15, 2018

On Wednesday, European Commission representatives started the Mechanism of Cooperation and Verification (CVM) assessment mission, meetings with the representatives of the judicial system, of Parliament and Government being set to take place against this backdrop. Referring to the CVM assessment mission, the Justice Ministry stated for AGERPRES that several meetings will take place on Thursday, […]

President of the Anti-Corruption Commission, Tanturovski resigns

March 8, 2018

The president of the State Commission for Preventing Corruption, Igor Tanturovski, has officially resigned from his post, “TV21” has learned. In his resignation letter, Tanturovski states that he is resigning for health and family reasons. Tanturovski is the second anti-corruption official who has decided to take this step. This follows yesterday’s resignation of former SCPC president […]

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Bosnia and Herzegovina






