SEE News

Commission lauds Bulgaria, castigates Romania on judicial reform

November 14, 2018

The European Commission published on Tuesday (13 November) reports on Bulgaria and Romania under the so-called Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM), commending Bulgaria for progress made and lambasting Romania for backtracking. Both countries, however, were warned to uphold media freedom. CVM was set up as a condition of the countries’ EU accession almost eleven years ago, […]

Macedonia Issues Arrest Warrant for Former PM Gruevski

November 13, 2018

A Macedonian court on Monday issued an arrest warrant for former prime minister Nikola Gruevski after he failed to report to jail to serve his two-year jail sentence for the illicit purchase of a luxury Mercedes.     By the order of the Criminal Court in Skopje, Macedonian police on Monday confirmed that they had […]

5-6 November 2018, Vienna: OSCE/OECD Regional Seminar for Local Level Practitioners – New Approaches and Practical Tools to Prevent Corruption at the Local Level

November 5, 2018

We are pleased to announce that RAI is speaking today at the Regional Seminar for Local Level Practitioners – New Approaches and Practical Tools to Prevent Corruption at the Local Level organized by OSCE and OECD in OSCE Congress Centre Hofburg, in Vienna, Austria. The event is co-organised by the Office of the Coordinator for Economic […]

Asset Declarations of Judges and Prosecutors to be Made Public

October 26, 2018

From next year, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) will introduce the new electronic system of online submission and publication of asset declarations of judges and prosecutors. HJPC has adopted a Rulebook about submitting, review and processing of financial reports of judges and prosecutors which sets out, among other things, how members of judiciary […]

Croatia: Former PM Ivo Sanader sentenced for war profiteering

October 23, 2018

Former prime minister and former leader of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), Ivo Sanader, was found guilty on counts of war profiteering on Monday in a re-trial in the so-called Hypo Affair, and sentenced to two and a half years in jail, pending appeal. Zagreb County Court judge Jasna Galesic said Sanader must return 3.6 […]

RAI Speaks at Strengthening transparency and accountability to ensure integrity: United against corruption

October 15, 2018

Under the auspices of Croatia’s Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, High-Level Conference titled Strengthening transparency and accountability to ensure integrity: United against corruption is taking place today and tomorrow in Sibenik, Croatia. The conference is organised by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia, in cooperation with the […]

OSCE Vienna: Gender Mainstreaming in Border Security and Management

October 10, 2018

The Transnational Threats Department/Border Security and Management Unit (TNTD/BSMU) is organising a launch event on the online training on gender mainstreaming in Border Security and Management (BSM). RAI Secretariat will share its experiences with engendering policies and actions. The aim of the event is to promote the online course on gender mainstreaming in BSM and […]

UNODC empowers Southeast European Civil Society Organizations to fight corruption

September 28, 2018

25 September – Corruption affects all countries and undermines democratic institutions, slows economic development and contributes to governmental instability. To train civil society, private sector and government representatives from Southeast Europe to implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), the only international legally-binding anti-corruption instrument, UNODC organized a regional multi-stakeholder workshop in Serbia from […]

TI: Corruption watchdog slams eastern EU members for failing to check foreign bribery

September 17, 2018

Six East European EU member states are among 22 countries accounting for almost two-fifths (39.6%) of global exports that make little or no effort to enforce laws criminalising foreign bribery, a new report from Transparency International reveals. The report, Exporting Corruption, assesses law enforcement against companies bribing abroad in order to gain mining rights, contracts for […]

Romanian magistrates rally to support rule of law

September 17, 2018

Hundreds of Romanian magistrates held a silent protest in support of an independent judiciary in capital Bucharest on Sunday after a slew of legal changes by the ruling Social Democrats in one of the European Union’s most corrupt states. Since taking power last year, the party has embarked on a process to overhaul the judiciary […]

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Bosnia and Herzegovina






