Albania: Police vetting to fire individuals involved in corruption

Minister of Interior Fatmir Xhafaj said that a bill on State Police vetting is designed to check the moral integrity, professional and personal background and fire to fire all individuals involved in corruption affairs, crime, or being professionally incompetent in performing duties they are tasked with.

albania flag

Presenting the draft law on Vetting of State Police, Republican Guard and Police Internal Affairs Service to the Parliamentary Committee on National Security, the Interior Minister said the bill is designed to strongly support and promote police officers, who meet the legal, moral and professional criteria to serve at key security and public order structures.

Xhafaj said the draft law also aims at enhancing confidence within the police ranks and increase public trust in the security institutions.

“An analysis of the existing situation was a necessity in order to figure out problems, phenomena and develop solutions to address these issues. The process was based on the State Police and institutions’ internal analyzes over the years. The process also takes into account the State Department’s support and progress reports by the European Union, the reports and documents from the international missions and programs assisting these institutions , mostly ICITAP and PAMECA, Annual Prosecution General Analysis etc, ” Xhafaj explained.

Interior Minister stated that the vetting process will ensure independence, impartiality, transparency and trust in the State Police members.


21 February 2018

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