Albania: CISD Asks Prosecutor’s Office to Vet 100 Magistrates

After the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets (HIDAA), even the Classified Information Security Directorate (CISD) has started its work for scanning information on the heads of the justice system who will be the first to go through the filter of vetting.

A list with over 100 names has been sent to the General Prosecutor’s Office, the institution which will do the verification of the cleanness of their figure. The files will then be sent to the Independent Commission of Qualification and the Appeal College, which will conduct the process with the close assistance of the International Monitoring Operation. The vetting process will thus start with the highest leaders of such institutions as prosecutor’s office and courts, and with the judges of the High Court and Constitutional Court.

Sources from the General Prosecutor’s Office said that the request arrived a few days ago and measures were taken immediately to send it to 23 prosecutor’s offices in districts, including the Prosecutor’s Office of Serious Crimes. There will be a verification if the names in the list have any opened investigations against them, or if they are being prosecuted for any crimes.

The same thing was started a few days ago by HIDAA. Reports say that it sent documents to the Offices of Registration of Immovable Property and banks to verify the wealth of the individuals who will be vetted.

The vetting process will start in September, when all the judges and prosecutors will have to go through the filters of the Independent Commission of Qualification and Appeal College, assisted closely by the International Monitoring Operation. The latter declared even the vacancies for legal experts and administrative staff, who will assist in the vetting process.

But a part of the judges have escaped this process, deciding to give their resignation after the end of their mandate, at a time when the law stipulates that they had to stay in their job until their replacement.

This is about four members of the High Court and one of the Constitutional Court, who have preferred to avoid being vetted.

17 August 2017

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