Markovic: We have first serious records in fight against corruption and criminal

Efforts of our country towards realization of the most important foreign-policy priorities cannot be slowed down. Fulfilling the obligations from negotiation process with European Union is a sign of serious results, which gives Montenegro a special reputation of a perspective country candidate in Western Balkans, said vice prime minister Dusko Markovic during the meeting with the delegation of the parliamentary board of EU and Montenegro for stabilization and accession.


Delegation was led by the co-chair of the Board Anneliese Dodds.

Markovic informed the delegation about the progress of our country in European and NATO integrations, and with results achieved in this area.

Dodds said that European parliament ackowledged the progress of Montenegro in almost all areas, saying that Montenegro is the leader of the region when we talk about the overall harmonization of political and legal system with EU standards.

Markovic spoke with guests about results relaized within the rule of law, fight against organized crime and corruption, as well as protection of human rights, which are result of a strong constitutional and institutional reforms.

Answering the questions of the members of parliamentary delegation in context of current political processes, Markovic said that our social, political and democratic maturity shows a new capacity that will enable organization of an electoral process in an environment of political trust.

Participants evaluated politics of our country as a politics of vision and determination which directly contributes to regional stability. Co-chair and members of delegation particularly thanked the vice prime minister Markovic for honest and objective approach, and overall evaluation of the condition in area that they had shown interest in.


19 may 2016


Bosnia and Herzegovina






