Macedonia: Justice Minister announces new model for Anti-Corruption Commission

Renata-Trenevska-Deskoska-3jul18-MinPravdA working group has been set up at the Ministry of Justice who are working on the amendments to the Law on the Prevention of Corruption, and soon a new model for an anti-corruption commission is expected, said Minister of Justice Renata Deskoska at the Second Session of the Working Group – III (Principles of Judiciary and Fundamental Rights – Chapter 23) of the National Convention on the European Union of the Republic of Macedonia (NCEU-MK), which was held at the MPs Clubhouse in Skopje.

“The idea is that the new commission be composed of experts, people who do not have any political affiliation, and we believe that this will bring some kind of advantage – knowledge, but also political disloyalty as an advantage, in terms of fulfilling certain tasks that this anti-corruption commission should have. Within this working group, along with the model of the anti-corruption commission, the jurisdiction of this department is also to be reviewed, because for effective competences, clear legal norms will certainly contribute to the better performance of the activities of this body within its jurisdiction”, emphasized Deskoska.

Speaking on the topic of “Mechanisms for Effectively Combating Corruption”, she said that the law on lobbying will be under review. Deskoska referred to reforms in the judiciary, stressing that there are two tasks facing the judiciary: to fight corruption in other bodies, and to fight corruption within their own ranks.

“Corruption is not just receiving cash benefits or gifts, corruption is the absence of all kinds of influences in decision-making, and this is especially important for the judiciary, as it is explicitly stipulated that they must judge on the basis of the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Macedonia, which unfortunately was not always the case in the past period”, said the Minister of Justice.


July 3, 2018

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