Moldova: National campaign to inform corruption prevention measures launched in Chisinau

The National Anticorruption Centre (CNA) in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme launched today a national campaign to inform and raise public awareness of corruption prevention measures with the slogan “Integrity is freedom”.


CNA deputy head Cristina Tarna said that the campaign aims to raise awareness of corruption prevention actions and to create a zero-tolerance environment for this phenomenon.

By launching the campaign, CNA and its partners will encourage citizens to get involved in preventing and reporting corruption cases.

“Corruption creates addiction and fear. The only solution is to be whole and to know that you cannot be blackmailed with anything. We have a culture of non-integrity. We want to cultivate integrity among citizens, because integrity must be a feature of every person”, Tarna said.

Several materials, including flyers, a video spot and some educational videos called “integrity lessons” were carried out in the campaign. The videos promote the integrity of public officials and provide explanations of their obligations and responsibility of the official to the citizen. The campaign will last one year and will have a budget of 80,000 dollars. It will be carried out with the financial support of the Norwegian government.

21 September 2017


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