Albania: 70 percent of citizens in Albania see courts as most corrupt institution

About 70 percent of the citizens in Albania think that the courts are the most corrupt institutions in the country, a survey conducted by Albanian Institute of Democracy and Mediation (IDM) showed Thursday.

The courts are followed by the institution of parliament (68 percent of citizens), prosecution (67 percent), customs (66 percent) and health institutions (61 percent), according to the survey.

Referring to the data of this survey, it turns out that the media and non-governmental organizations are the less corrupt in Albania.

Redion Qirjazi, representative of IDM told reporters at a press conference that the citizens in Albania trust less in the state police as the confidence indicator fell to 52 percent in 2017 compared to the level of 62 percent in 2016.

On the other hand, Qirjazi said that the report also showed an increasing trend of the citizens who denounce the cases of corruption from 47 percent in 2016 to 54 percent in 2017.

He also noted that if the state police found a way to preserve the confidentiality of the denouncers, the indicator would increase by 30 percent.

15 September 2017


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