Romania: Hundreds protested in Bucharest against justice law amendments

Several hundreds of people took to the street in the already famous Victoriei Square in Bucharest on Wednesday night to lash out at the draft law amending the justice laws tabled by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader previously in the day. Protesters sang the national anthem and chanted “PSD, the red plague!”, just like in the winter when tens of thousands of Romanians had repeatedly protested for more than a month, every night, to slam the Grindeanu Cabinet’s attempts of decriminalizing corruption deeds like the abuse of office.

They also chanted “Tudorel, resignation”, “We don’t leave”, “Romania, wake up!”, “Justice, not corruption“, “Hands off justice“. Protesters brought vuvuzelas and drums, with some of them flying tricolor flags. A dummy in striped pyjamas, the convicts’ regimentals, was seen in the crowd.

The traffic was blocked in the Government building’s area, with the gendarmes yet saying there were no incidents or violent actions.

The protest was called out on Facebook on a page entitled “Come to the square! Justice is in danger!”. “The PSD ruling has commanded, Tudorel Toader carried out the command! After the black Tuesday, the proposals to butcher the justice laws introduced by the Justice minister today are the climax of the fight against DNA and against the independent justice. A man who speaks out “I RESIST!” does more for the country’s future than a government and a parliamentary majority with mob habits. And together we can decide the future for ourselves. Come to Victoria Square tonight. We’ll be two, we’ll be ten, 100 or maybe some thousands. Any of the versions is better than silence. The anti-corruption fight risks becoming history without our involvement,” the organizers of the protests posted on Facebook.

Several former ministers and officials of Ciolos Cabinet were attending the protest, like Dragos Pislaru, former Labour minister, former Health minister Vlad Voiculescu or Adrian Stroie, former secretary of state at the Justice Ministry.
“It’s another precipitous attempt to modify the state powers,” said Pislaru. “I think Justice Ministry should back off and consider the society’s reactions,” Stroie stated.

24 August 2017

Romania Journal

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