Macedonia: VMRO-DPMNE requests opinion from the Anti-Corruption Commission about the debate on Zvrlevski

MPs from VMRO-DPMNE and the Coalition for a Better Macedonia, submitted a request to the State Commission for Preventing Corruption, for their opinion regarding the parliamentary debate on the dismissal of the Attorney General, Marko Zvrlevski.


“The parliamentary session debating the dismissal of the Attorney General, which started on July the 5th, is still ongoing, which is contrary to Article 8-a, paragraph 1, line 4 of the Electoral Code. In accordance with Article 8-a of the Electoral Code, from the day elections are announced, until the end of the elections, MPs can not make decisions, the council of the municipalities and the City of Skopje can not start procedures for the employment of new individuals or terminate working relations of current public officials, in other words, all procedures are put on hold, except in the case of urgent matters”, says the statement by the parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE.

Therefore, they expect the State Commission for Preventing Corruption to give their opinion as soon as possible, on whether there is a legal obstacle during the period the local elections were announced to debating the dismissal of Zvrlevski, which they say is not “urgent and imperative”.

09 August 2017


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