Romania: New anti-corruption file after the Rise Project investigation. Dragnea’s ex-wife heard as a witness

The National Anti-corruption Directorate was notified ex-officio in a new criminal file for corruption deeds regarding aspects contained in the journalistic investigation released by Rise Project.





The National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) announced four days ago that some aspects signaled in the mass media related to Liviu Dragnea and his affairs in Teleorman or in Brazil, namely by Rise Project, have been investigated in a criminal case since February this year.

“On July 10, 2017 anti-corruption prosecutors were notified ex-officio regarding other aspects contained in the journalistic investigation published on July 6 (others that the ones mentioned in the press release on July 3), as there are clues that crimes assimilated to corruption have been committed,” says the DNA press release.

DNA also mentions that the criminal prosecution in rem was started.

Currently there are no charges against a certain person,” says DNA, adding that prosecutors are raising first evidence on a certain deed.

Moreover, judiciary sources told Mediafax that Liviu Dragnea’s former wife, Bombonica Prodana, had been heard as a witness in this case at the DNA on Tuesday.

Rise Project has disclosed a secret report allegedly assigned to the Interior Ministry’s intelligence service- DGPI, which reveals a criminal group in Teleorman county, through which PSD chairman Liviu Dragnea would have embezzled European and governmental funds. The document also says Dragnea is the majority owner of shares to bearer at Tel Drum, a construction company from Alexandria mainly doing business with the state.

Romania Journal

12 July 2017

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