Montenegro’s Former President Marovic Goes to Prison

A former Montenegrin and Yugoslav top politician, Svetozar Marovic, pleaded guilty to corruption charges and will serve nearly three years in prison, MIA writes.


Quoting a special prosecutor‘s office, RTCG said that Marovic will also have to return EUR 1.2 million (USD 1.26 million).

The former president of Montenegro and the last president of the rump Yugoslavia, Marovic admitted to abusing his political position to create benefits for a criminal group in property deals in Budva, the Adriatic country‘s main seaside resort. Though perceived as a country plagued by rampant corruption, Marovic is the first from the Montenegrin political elite to go to prison. He has been number two in Montenegrin politics for years, behind the recently retired longtime prime minister Milo Djukanovic.

10 March 2017

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