Romania: DNA aims to block bankruptcy procedure at Carpatica Asig

The National Anti-corruption Directorate’s  (DNA) prosecutors have asked the Supreme Court to block bankruptcy procedure at Carpatica Asig in the next two months, to be penalty liable in the file in which it is accused of bribery. The measure was required after the Financial Supervision Authority (ASF) started the bankruptcy procedure at Carpatica Asig.


In the request that will be judged at the Romanian High Court of Justice, the DNA prosecutors ask „the removal for a 60-day period of the preventive measure consisting in the blocking of dissolution and  bankruptcy procedure of Carpatica Asig SA or if it’s the case, the suspention of dissolution and bankruptcy procedure if these procedures have already been initiated, “according to a statement from DNA.

The company was prosecuted in April 25 2014 for influence buying and  bribery and on March 8 2016 it was sentenced by the Appeal Court of Bucharest to a fine of RON 600,000, as well as the publication of the decision in mass media. The decision was contested by the company and the file is being judged by the Romanian High Court of Justice.

Thus, on July 27 ASF decided the start of bankruptcy and dissolution of Carpatica Asig through insolvency procedure, as well as the emission of a request for opening the bankruptcy procedure.

Business Review

10 August, 2016


Bosnia and Herzegovina






