17-19 October 2017, Montenegro: Trainings on Corruption Risk Assessment for coordinators of integrity plans in institutions of Montenegro

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI), in cooperation with the Agency for Prevention of Corruption of Montenegro, organized one-day trainings for coordinators of integrity plans in institutions of Montenegro. The trainings took place in three cities of Montenegro: Kolašin, Budva and Podgorica on 17-19 October 2017. Each training gathered about 70 public officials.

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The main objective of the trainings was that the coordinators of integrity plans get acquainted to the purpose and importance of the development and implementation of integrity plans on a comprehensive and participatory manner. The trainings also offered practical and methodological instructions devising the plans. In addition, it was essential that all institutions timely approach the process of drafting integrity plans to unified ways to ensure a high level of successful implementation of these activities.MNE

The trainings were organized within the Southeast Europe Regional Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of Anti-corruption Authorities and Civil Society to Combat Corruption and Contribute to the UNCAC Review Process implemented by Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative and funded by Austrian Development Agency.

Agenda: KolašinBudva and Podgorica

List of Participants:  Kolašin, Budva and Podgorica

Photo Gallery:

RAI Secretariat

17 October 2017


Bosnia and Herzegovina






