RAI News

Public procurements are becoming more economical, effective and efficient

November 11, 2016

From November 7th to 9th 2016, the Centre for Security Studies organized a training in Mostar: “Integrity in Public Procurements: Values, Rules and Behaviour”. The training was held within the project “Integrity Building and Strenghtening Anti-Corruption Practices in the Security Sector – ACroSS” which is financially supported by the European Union. The project aims to […]

Riga 15-17 November 2016: Annual Professional Conference and General Assembly of EPAC/EACN

November 9, 2016

A delegation from the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) will take part in the 16th Annual Professional Conference and General Assembly of EPAC/EACN which will take place from 15th to 17th November in Riga, Latvia. The event hosted by the Corruption Prevention and Combatting Bureau of Latvia (KNAB) will create a platform for exchanging views on […]

Sarajevo, 4 November: Workshop on RAI – PCC SEE Cooperation

November 8, 2016

On Friday 4 November a workshop on cooperation between Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe (PCC SEE) and Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI) was held at the RAI Secretariat’s offices in Sarajevo, the attendees were Mr. Ottavio Bottecchia and Ms. Jelka Klemenc for PCC-SEE, Mr. Radu Cotici for RCC, Mr. Tomislav Curic, Ms. Jasna Panjeta and […]

Sofia, 20-21 October 2016: Third Regional Meeting of Oversight Bodies for Asset Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

October 26, 2016

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) organized the 3rd Regional Meeting of the Oversight Bodies for Asset Disclosure and Conflict of Interest on October 20-21, 2016 in Sofia, Bulgaria, in collaboration with Commission for Prevention and Ascertainment of Conflict of Interest of Republic of Bulgaria and Regional Cooperation Council, and supported by the Austrian Development Agency. The event […]

23rd RAI Steering Group Meeting 23-24 September, Sarajevo, BiH

October 3, 2016

23rd Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Steering Group Meeting took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 23 – 24 September, 2016. It was organized by RAI Secretariat and hosted by the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The meeting is the main forum of the Organisation, which will provide ground to the participants to take […]

26th of September, 2016: Workshop – Presentation of Programme Potentials

September 27, 2016

Within the Implementation of the „Regional Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of Anti-corruption Authorities and Civil Society to Combat Corruption and Contribute to the UNCAC Review Process“, Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat, supported by the Austrian Development Agency, is organizing a Workshop on the Programme Implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Workshop is scheduled for […]

UNODC: Meeting of Intergovernmental Working Groups on Prevention of Corruption and Asset Recovery

August 24, 2016

Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Prevention of Corruption and Intergovernmental Working Group on Asset Recovery gathered on 22 August in Vienna for their intersessional meetings at UNODC. Meetings will be organized by the Secretariat of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative had a pleasure of […]

Whistleblowers are important: Raising Awareness about the Whistleblowing in South East Europe

July 18, 2016

We are pleased to announce that Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) concluded a contract with the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) on 18 July on the award of a grant by the RCC for the implementation of the Action entitled: “Whistleblowers are important: Raising Awareness about the Whistleblowing in South East Europe”. The project whose duration will […]

Macedonia & Serbia: SEE Regional Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of Anti-corruption Authorities and Civil Society

July 18, 2016

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI), in cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), is implementing a Regional Programme titled „Southeast Europe Regional Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of Anti-corruption Authorities and Civil Society to Combat Corruption and Contribute to the UNCAC Review Process“, funded by the Austrian Development Agency. The Programme aims at […]

Summer School on “Financial Investigations and Asset Recovery”

June 6, 2016

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative proudly announces that Chisinau, Moldova will host 11th edition of the Summer School for Junior Anti-corruption Practitioners from South-Eastern Europe from 6 June – 10 June 2016. The Summer School will bring together 20 professionals from 9 South East Europe countries as well as 6 renowned trainers from all over the world. […]

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