RAI News

Tbilisi, Georgia June 6th Conference on Assessing the Implementation and Effectiveness of Systems for Disclosing Interests and Assets by Public Officials

June 6, 2017

Conference on “Assessing the Implementation and Effectiveness of Systems for Disclosing Interests and Assets by Public Officials” is taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia today. The event is hosted by the Civil Service Bureau of Georgia and co-organised by the Anti-Corruption Network of OECD, UNDP, the Regional Hub of Civil Service in Astana and Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI). The […]

RAI Delegation visiting Ministry of Justice of Georgia

June 5, 2017

On June 5th, RAI Delegation comprised of  Mr. Davor Dubravica, RAI Chairperson, Mr. Vladan Joksimovic, Head of RAI Secretariat and Mr. Tomislav Curic, Anti-corruption Expert held a bilateral meeting between and Ministry of Justice of Georgia. Georgia holds the status of Observer to RAI Steering Group since December 2016 and this was an opportunity to […]

RAI takes part in the conference on “Fighting Police Corruption: Legal Solutions and Best Practices”

June 1, 2017

Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative Secretariat – RAI, represented by Mr Tomislav Curic, Anti-Corruption Expert, took part in the conference “Fighting Police Corruption: Legal Solutions and Best Practices”. The conference was organized by the Regional Network of civil society organizations POINTPULSE with the support of the European Union, in Podgorica, 1st June 2017. Mr Curic gave an […]

Podgorica, Montenegro: Regional Workshop on Corruption Risk Assessment and Institutional Integrity

May 30, 2017

  Regional Workshop on Corruption Risk Assessment and Institutional Integrity was held on May 30-31 in Podgorica, Montenegro. The event was jointly organized by Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative – RAI and RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation, hosted by the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro. The objective of the Workshop was to increase capacity of public authorities in the field of corruption […]

RAI Secretariat takes part in the Southeast Europe Peer Exchange

May 23, 2017

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat, represented by Programme and Outreach Officer, Ms Jasna Panjeta, and Intern, Ms Dženeta Tabaković, took an active part in the Southeast Europe Peer Exchange organized on the 23rd  and 24th  May 2017 in Sarajevo by the Open Government Partnership (OGP). The focus of the conference was peer exchange of good practices […]

RAI Secretariat takes part in the Joint Conference of Court Presidents and Chief Prosecutors in Bosnia and Herzegovina

May 22, 2017

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat, represented by Head of Secretariat, Mr. Vladan Joksimovic and Anti-corruption Expert, Mr Tomislav Curic, took an active part in the Joint Conference organized on the 22nd May 2017 by the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (VSTV BiH). The focus of the conference were the analysis reports on the work of judicial […]

Civil Society Forum: Recommendations for Berlin Process

April 28, 2017

Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans is taking place in Tirana. The forum began on Wednesday and it will last until Friday which is the day for presenting key recommendations of the civil society organizations for the Trieste Summit. The summit of the Western Balkans’ leaders will take place in July. During the public […]

RAI Participating at the Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans in Tirana

April 27, 2017

The forum taking place in Tirana is a part of Western Balkans Summit Series and is a preparatory forum for Trieste Summit scheduled for 12th July. Vladan Joksimovic, Head of RAI Secretariat is one of the panelists at the panel dedicated to rule of law and fight against corruption. Emphasizing, among other issues, the importance and […]

Only slightly more than half of people surveyed region-wide said whistleblowers should be supported – RCC Survey reveals

April 18, 2017

Attempting to raise public awareness against corruption in South East Europe (SEE), the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) surveyed what the public in the region felt towards the whistleblowing, as one of the highly effective tools to expose corruption, crime and other serious wrongdoings. The data analysis of this opinion survey, on both the Whistleblowing and […]

B&H, Sarajevo: One Day Training on Corruption Risk Assessment for Judiciary Institutions

April 7, 2017

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI), in cooperation with the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption is organizing a training for Coordinators and Deputy Coordinators of Integrity Plans within each judicial institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The one day training […]

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