RAI News

07 – 08 September 2017: RAI Secretariat Visits Slovenia

September 7, 2017

During the period of 07 – 08 September 2017, RAI Secretariat, represented by Head of Secretariat, Mr Vladan Joksimovic, Anti-Corruption Expert, Mr Tomislav Curic and Program and Outreach Officer, Ms Jasna Panjeta, is participating at two outstanding interlinked regional events that are being held in Brdo, Slovenia: 17th PCC SEE Committee of Ministers Meeting on September 7th […]

20 – 21 July 2017, Podgorica, Montenegro: Workshop on Corruption Proofing of Legislation

July 20, 2017

Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat held a Workshop on Corruption Proofing of Legislation in Podgorica, Montenegro on 20-21 July 2017. The Workshop has been organized for the representatives of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption in Montenegro under the Regional Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of Anti-corruption Authorities and Civil Society to Combat Corruption and Contribute […]

12 July 2017: Trieste Western Balkan Summit – Joint Declaration Against Corruption

July 13, 2017

Joint declaration against corruption Today’s Anticorruption workshop, with the participation of the Italian and the Western Balkans Anticorruption Authorities, reconfirmed the joint willingness of Italy and the Western Balkans to step up the efforts to prevent and tackle the plague of corruption and to improve the overall rule of law and business environment. Workshop Participants […]

3-7 July 2017, Legionowo – Warsaw, Poland: The 12th Edition of Summer School on “Cross-border Cooperation in Asset Recovery and Investigations of Corruption Cases – Innovative Mechanisms and Tools”

July 12, 2017

Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI), in cooperation with Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA) of Poland, supported by OSCE ODIHR, hosted by the Police Training Centre (CSP), Poland organized the Summer School for Junior Anti-corruption Practitioners from South Eastern Europe in Legionowo and Warsaw, Poland. The 12th edition of Summer School was dedicated to „Cross-border cooperation in asset […]

RAI Secretariat takes part at the 10th Annual Meeting held in Dubrovnik

June 30, 2017

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI), represented by Head of Secretariat, Mr Vladan Joksimovic, participated at the 10th Annual Meeting held in Dubrovnik on 29 June 2017. In his address Mr Joksimovic noted that one of the keys to successful governance reforms and integrations of society lay in the strong regional cooperation and that in the field […]

22-23 June 2017, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Trainings on Corruption Proofing of Legislation

June 23, 2017

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI), organized two Trainings on Corruption Proofing of Legislation in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The training which took place on 22nd June 2017 was organized in cooperation with Civil Service Agency of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and it gathered public servants from the Federation of B&H whereas the training held on […]

RAI Secretariat takes part at the 8th IRG meeting on review of the implementation of the UNCAC

June 19, 2017

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat, represented by Head of Secretariat, Mr Vladan Joksimovic, and Anti-Corruption Expert, Mr Tomislav Curic, is participating at the 8th IRG meeting on review of the implementation of the UNCAC organized from the 19th to 23rd June 2017 in Vienna.   RAI representatives will meet, on the margins of the meeting, with representatives of […]

June 15th 2017: RAI attends ReSPA Open Day in Brussels

June 15, 2017

RAI Representative Ms. Jasna Panjeta attended today ReSPA Open Day Event in Brussels, Belgium ReSPA Open Day encompassed the presentations of best-case examples implemented in the Western Balkans in domain of Public Administration reform and the EU Integration. It was intended also to open discussion on the following ReSPA regional studies: Optimization of Public Administration […]

June 12-13, Trieste: Western Balkans’ Anti-Corruption Authorities exchange expertise ahead of Trieste Summit

June 13, 2017

Head of Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI) Mr. Vladan Joksimovic attended the TAIEX Regional workshop on obstacles to good governance in the Western Balkans. The meeting has been organised in cooperation with the Italian Anti-Corruption National Agency (ANAC), and it  brought together anti-corruption authorities in the Western Balkans and their peers in EU Member States. Mr. Joksimovic […]

12 June 2017: The 25th RAI Steering Group Meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria

June 12, 2017

The 25th Steering Group Meeting of the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) took place in Sofia, Bulgaria on June 12, 2017. The meeting was organized by the RAI Secretariat and hosted by Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria. Mr. Krasimir Cipov, Deputy Minister of Interior of Bulgaria welcomed all participants and emphasize the importance of cooperation between […]

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