Others – Romania Anti Corruption Institutional Framework

Court of Accounts (Curtea de Conturi a României) – click for more information



Email: rei@rcc.ro or international.romania@rcc.ro

phone: +40 21 3078 851

General information

Established: 1864

Structure: headed by President and two Vice-Presidents; composed of the Subsequent Financial Control Section, the Jurisdictional Section, the Jurisdictional Board of The Court of Accounts, the district Chambers of Accounts and the Chamber of Accounts of the Municipality of Bucharest; the Court of Accounts has a General Secretariat.

Competencies: to audit and control the formation, administration and use of the financial resources of the state and of the public sector, as well as over the management of the public and private patrimony of the state and of the administrative-territorial units.

– National Authority for the Regulation and Monitoring of Public Procurement (Autoritatea Națională pentru Reglementarea și Monitorizarea Achizițiilor Publice) – click for more information



Email: birouldepresa@anrmap.ro

General information

Established: 2005

Structure: the President and Vice-President oversee the work of four departments; Secretary General oversees the work of the Economic and Administrative Sector.

Competencies: to manage the public procurement system in Romania, to formulate concepts, to promote and implement public procurement policy.

– People’s Advocate / Ombudsman (Avocatul Poporului) – click for more information



tel. +40 21 312 71 34

General information

Established: 1991

Structure: the institution is headed by an Ombudsman; one of four deputies head a division; Coordinator Director coordinates the work of three functional bureaus and Internal Audit; 14 territorial offices.

Competencies: to investigate and address individual’s complaints in relation to public authorities; to report and make recommendations to improve legislation.