21st RAI Steering Group Meeting – September 29, 2015 – Chisinau, Moldova

RAI 21SG_Chisinau

The 21st RAI Steering Group (SG) Meeting organized by Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat took place in Chisinau, Moldova, on September 29, 2015. The event was hosted by the National Anti-corruption Center of Republic of Moldova.

The main decisions of the SG include adoption of Evaluation Report on implementation of Work Plan 2014 – 2015, adoption of the RAI Work Plan for 2016-2017, and adoption of the RAI Budget for 2016. Also, RAI Steering Group elected Mr. Tomislav Curic as new Anti-Corruption Expert of the RAI Secretariat.

During the meeting Mr. Pedro Gomes Pereira, Senior Specialist from Basel Institute on Governance, presented the work of the Institute and possibilities for cooperation and work in the future. Also, meeting participants had an opportunity to exchange views and get familiar with work and activities of the  National Anti-corruption Center as the host of the meeting.

For more details, please check the documents attached below.


Summary, conclusions and decisions

Evaluation Report on implementation of Work Plan 2014 – 2015

RAI Work Plan for 2016 – 2017