Preventive – Serbia Anti Corruption Institutional Framework

Implementation & Coordination of Anti-Corruption Policies and Monitoring:

– Anti-Corruption Agency (Агенција за борбу против корупције / Agencije za borbu protiv korupcije) – click for more information




tel. +381 11 41 49 100

General information

Established: 2009

Structure: Headed by Director and Deputy Director, overseen by a board, divided into four sectors and four departments

Competencies: monitors the execution of the national anti-corruption strategy and action plan; educates the public on corruption; investigates conflicts of interest, declaration of assets and gifts of public officials

Level of Independence

– Permanence: established through 2008 Law on the Anti-Corruption Agency; creation initiated by constituting the ACA Board (15.04.2009) and finalized through the Law on the Anti-Corruption Agency 01.01.2010.

– Appointment: Agency board elects the Director through public competition.

– Removal: Agency board may dismiss the Director or Agency members in case of negligent performance of duties, if they become a member of a political party, if convicted for a criminal offence making them unworthy of the office.

– Immunity: No

– Financial Autonomy: budget adopted in standard procedure

– Anti-Corruption Council (Савет за борбу против корупције / Savet za borbu protiv korupcije) – click for more information




tel. +381 11 36 17 749 / +381 11 36 20 164

General information

Established: 2001

Structure: composed of six members, with the council President chosen from the members; General Secretariat of the government provides technical and administrative assistance to the Council

Competencies: to see all the aspects of anti-corruption activities, to propose measures to be taken in order to fight corruption effectively, to monitor their implementation, and to make proposals for bringing regulations, programs and other acts and measures in this area.

Level of Independence

– Permanence: established by the Decision of The Government of the Republic of Serbia on 11.10.2001

– Appointment: Council members, including the President, are appointed by the Government on the proposal of the Council members.

– Removal:

– Financial Autonomy: budget adopted in standard procedure

– Group for the Coordination of the Implementation of the 2013-2018 National Strategy in the Fight against Corruption, Ministry of Justice (Група за координацију спровођења Националне стратегије за борбу против корупције / Grupa za koordinaciju sprovođenja Nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv korupcije) – click for more information




tel. +381 113 631 779


Conflict of Interest and Asset Disclosure:

– Anti-Corruption Agency (Агенција за борбу против корупције / Agencije za borbu protiv korupcije) – click for more information




tel. +381 11 41 49 100

General information

Established: 2009

Structure: Headed by Director and Deputy Director, overseen by a board, divided into four sectors and four departments

Competencies: monitors the execution of the national anti-corruption strategy and action plan; educates the public on corruption; investigates conflicts of interest, declaration of assets and gifts of public officials

Level of Independence

– Permanence: established through 2008 Law on the Anti-Corruption Agency; creation initiated by constituting the ACA Board (15.04.2009) and finalized through the Law on the Anti-Corruption Agency 01.01.2010.

– Appointment: Agency board elects the Director through public competition.

– Removal: Agency board may dismiss the Director or Agency members in case of negligent performance of duties, if they become a member of a political party, if convicted for a criminal offence making them unworthy of the office.

– Immunity: No

– Financial Autonomy: budget adopted in standard procedure