Judiciary – Serbia Anti Corruption Institutional Framework

Specialized Courts:

– Special Department for Organized Crime, High Court in Belgrade (Посебно одељење за кривична дела организованог криминала, Виши суд у Београду / Posebno odeljenje za krivična dela organizovanog kriminala, Viši sud u Beogradu) – click for more information



Email: uprava@bg.vi.sud.rs

tel. +381 11 30 82 514

Level of Independence

– Permanence: OG 42/02 Law on Organization and Jurisdiction of Government Authorities in Suppression of Organized Crime, Corruption and Other Severe Criminal Offences.

– Appointment: President is appointed by the President of the Belgrade High Court from among the judges assigned to the Special department of the High Court.

– Removal: A judge shall be suspended from office if remanded in custody. A judge may be suspended from office when proceedings for his/her dismissal or criminal proceedings for a dismissible offence have been instituted. The president of the court decides on the mandatory suspension of a judge, while the mandatory suspension of a president of the court is decided by the president of the immediately superior court. Non-mandatory suspension is decided by the President of the Supreme Court of Cassation.

– Immunity: Yes

– Financial Autonomy: budget adopted in standard procedure.