Workshop ‘Conflict of Interest Prevention, Tools and Measures’ – January 20-21, 2011 – Tirana, Albania


The Albanian High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets (HIDDA), the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat co-organized the workshop on “Conflict of Interest Prevention, Tools and Measures”, with the financial support of US State Department. The event took place on January 20-21, 2011, in Tirana, Albania, as part of the the project “Strengthening the Integrity System in South-Eastern Europe”.

The representatives of SEE conflict of interest institutions – members of Integrity Experts Network (IEN), as well as the participating experts from other Europen partner institutions, had the chance to discuss issues related to functional incompatibilities and relevant sanctions in place, related persons, case studies, etc. During the workshop was presented the new web site of IEN (, launched by RAI Secretariat with the idea to be developed into a sustainable on-line Resource Center in the area of conflict of interest. The integrity experts identified as further step to be undertaken the elaboration and publication of comprehensive integrity manual. In addition, they underlined as priority for the up-coming IEN events to focus the discussions on case studies and case-by-case management.

For more information, please have a look at the attached list of participants and agenda of the event, as well as the presentations delivered at the workshop.

Presentation of Ms. Fjorida Kallco (HIDAA, Albania) – Prevention of Conflict of Interest in carrying out Public Functions

Presentation of Ms. Fjorida Kallco (HIDAA, Albania) – Prevention of Conflict of Interest in carrying out Public Functions (Albanian)

Presentation of Ms. Luiseda Zhapa (HIDAA, Albania)

Presentation of Ms. Irena Hadziabdic (Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Presentation of Ms. Polya Stefanova Petrova-Ognyanova (Bulgarian National Audit Office) – Conflict of Interest / Legal Framework

Presentation of Mr. Esad Ejupi (Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency) – Role of Anti-Corruption Agency in Suppression and Prevention of Corruption in Kosovo

Presentation of Mr. Esad Ejupi (Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency) – Role of Anti-Corruption Agency in Suppression and Prevention of Corruption in Kosovo (Albanian)

Presentation of Mr. Vladimir Georgiev (Macedonian State Commission for Prevention of Corruption)

Presentation of Ms. Daniela Railean (Center for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption, Moldova) – Conflict of Interest and Related Persons

Presentation of Ms. Ivana Vojinovic (Commission for the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest of Montenegro) – Conflict of Interest of Public Officials in Montenegro

Presentation Ms. Andreea Bucheanu and Ms. Ionela-Alina Ulmeanu (National Integrity Agency, Romania)

Presentation of Ms. Marisa Miralles (Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, Spain) – Functional incompatibilities and relevant sanctions at central and regional level

Presentation of Ms. Tatjana Babic and Ms. Valentina Sestovic (Serbian Anti-Corruption Agency)

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