Montenegro: Signing of MoU ReSPA and RAI on February 24th

On February 24 Delegation of the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative held a working visit to the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA). The visit was used for signing of Memorandum of Understanding between RAI and ReSPA on mutual cooperation.


The main purpose of the Memorandum is to strengthen existing partnership and create a framework for mutual cooperation between the Parties. It also aims to build a strong partnership that will generate synergies and enhance the sharing of knowledge and expertise between the parties, as well as avoiding potential duplication and overlapping of activities. The Memorandum will be signed by Ms. Ratka Sekulovic, ReSPA Director, and Mr. Davor Dubravica, RAI Chairperson.

Delegations of ReSPA and RAI had opportunity to discuss also future steps in the MoU implementation, aiming to strengthen the cooperation in the areas of common interest and to boost regional cooperation for the benefit of respective national governments.

Signed Memorandum of Understanding

Agenda of the visit

RAI Secretariat
